Storms and high winds can wreak havoc on commercial fences, causing serious structural damage that requires immediate attention. As the first line of defense for any commercial property, it's crucial to maintain the integrity of these barriers.

Here are some commercial fence repair steps to take in the aftermath of wind and storm damage. 

Understanding the Impact of Wind and Storm Damage

High winds and storms can pose significant threats to commercial fences.

  • Water Damage: Heavy rain can weaken fence posts, especially those not installed correctly or those made from materials susceptible to water damage.
  • Wind Damage: Strong winds can dislodge panels or cause trees and other debris to fall onto fences, causing damage. In more severe cases, a storm may even topple a fence entirely.

Assessing the Damage

After any storm or high wind event, it's important to assess the fence for any visible damage.

  • Assessment: Look for any signs of leaning, loose or missing panels, or posts that have become dislodged. It's also crucial to check for less obvious signs of damage, such as cracks in the posts or panels, as these can compromise the fence's structural integrity.

Professional Inspection and Repair

For a thorough assessment, consider engaging a professional fencing company.

  • Talk to a Pro: They can inspect the fence for any hidden damage and determine the most effective repair strategy. Depending on the extent of the damage, this might involve replacing broken panels, re-aligning posts, or, in some cases, a complete fence replacement.

Choosing the Right Materials

The choice of materials for a commercial fence can significantly influence its resistance to wind and storm damage.

  • Replacement Materials: For example, chain-link fencing, while not the most visually appealing, offers high wind resistance due to its open design. On the other hand, solid-panel fences made from wood or vinyl can provide more privacy but are more prone to wind damage. Metal fences, such as those made from aluminum or steel, offer a good balance of durability, resistance, and aesthetics.

Preventive Measures

Aside from regular maintenance, preventive measures can help mitigate the impact of wind and storm damage.

  • Proactive Mitigation: This can include installing fence posts deeper into the ground for added stability, reinforcing the fence with concrete footings, or using metal braces to strengthen fence panels. Regular trimming of trees or branches that could potentially fall on the fence can also help prevent damage.

Insurance Coverage

Commercial property insurance policies often cover damage to fences caused by wind and storms.

  • Insurance Protection: Coverage can vary widely depending on the specific policy. It's important to review your insurance policy to understand what types of damage are covered and to ensure that any repairs or replacements needed after a storm are done in accordance with your policy's terms.

Contact a commercial fence repair contractor to learn more.
